Lessons from Mexico
December 08, 2008
The lessons from our Mexican neighbor for handling a financial crisis... more
Settings myths aside, NAFTA a net plus for South Florida
June 26, 2008
... more
Latin SME's in the Global Economy
February 19, 2008
The harsh reality of Latin American SMEs in the new global economy... more
Costa Rica's Free Trade Victory
October 15, 2007
CAFTA's main effect will be to change Costa Rica's business environment, which needs urgent improvements... more
Latin America's Inflation Success
September 04, 2007
Better monetary, fiscal, and structural policies are paying off for Latin America... more
Focus on competitiveness not just trade
December 3, 2006
Although the Republican Party was soundly trounced in the November mid-term elections, an even bigger loser was free trade... more
Puede RD-CAFTA Competir?
August 17, 2006 - (Spanish)
Los países signatarios del RD-CAFTA tienen varias ventajas, incluyendo la cercanía a los mercados de exportación más importantes de la región y una mano de obra relativamente barata. Pero los inconvenientes incluyen estructuras públicas débiles y bajo acceso al capital... more
Can DR-CAFTA Compete?
August 14, 2006
DR-CAFTA countries have several advantages, including close proximity to the region’s major export market and relatively inexpensive labor. But challenges include weak public structures and low access to capital... more